Paralyzed Bride 'Walks' Down The Aisle Leaving The Amazed Guests In Tears

Dec 12, 2018

Your wedding day is supposed to be one of the most special days of your life. When you're paralyzed, this day can be a challenge, but with the love and support of your family and friends, you can overcome the impossible like one bride did on her wedding day.

When she thought that she would be unable to walk down the aisle to meet her groom on her wedding day, Jennifer Darmon decided to do as much physical therapy as possible so that she would have the strength in her legs to walk even a short distance. When the guests saw her that day, they were surprised and excited for the new chapter in her life.

Jennifer was involved in a tragic car accident. She was in a van for a short time, fighting to stay alive until someone rescued her. Emergency responders were able to get Jennifer free from the van, but when she got to the hospital, doctors realized that she was paralyzed. She wasn't able to walk and couldn't feel anything from her waist to her feet.

When the doctors told Jennifer what had happened and that she would likely not walk again, she was not defeated. She knew that she had to try everything she could so that she could walk down the aisle on her wedding day. Jennifer broke the news that she would understand if her fiance didn't want to stay with her. After numerous physical therapy sessions, Jennifer was able to walk to her groom.

Watch as Jennifer not only walks down the aisle but dances with her husband after the ceremony. Don't forget to send this heartwarming video to your loved ones!