Owner Tries To Take Cat For Walk On Leash But Never Expected Cat's Reaction

Apr 14, 2020

Cats do whatever they like. They might be domesticated, but they don’t play by the rules. You cannot put a cat on a leash and expect it to go with you. You might get scratch marks if you force it to follow you on a leash. However, this cat called Kodi doesn't mind walking on a leash – but only if he is in charge.

There are a few exceptions to this rule. Some cats can be as playful as dogs. Kodi is an example of that exception. He loves to play with his owner. In fact, Kodi might be one of the only cats to ever be caught on video with a leash.

Unlike dogs, Kodi doesn’t want the leash on his neck. He prefers to bite it, reports The Irish News. In this viral video, Kodi shows us how to take charge of a human using a leash. Yes, the cat is the one controlling the leash as his owner follows him. Here are 7 steps that Kodi uses to walk humans.


1. Showing Dominance

Kodi pulls the leash to show the human that he is in charge. Kodi is ready to engage the human in a tag of war to prove that he is the dominant one.

2. Showing Leadership

Kodi takes the lead to show the human what they are supposed to do. If Kodi stops, the human should also stop moving.

3. Taking Front Position

Kodi always walks in front of the human to show that he is in charge.

4. Engaging The Human

Kodi will quicken the pace if the human seems too relaxed. He knows that humans need to run to be healthy, and he plays his part.

5. Instilling Discipline

Kodi will test the human’s obedience by coming to an abrupt stop to see if the human continues walking.

6. Motivating The Human

Since Kodi loves to walk, he expects the human to follow him everywhere. If the human gets tired, Kodi pulls the leash to encourage them to continue moving.

7. Empowering Other Cats

Kodi empowers other cats by showing them that despite their size, they can control humans.

Kodi’s courage shows just what you can do with a little bit of confidence. The video is too cute not to show it your friends.