Owner Catches Her Pet Parrot Making A Shopping List And Ordering Her Favorite Meals

Aug 01, 2018

Parents everywhere know that children quickly pick up on the things they see around them. Parents and guardians always have to be a role model to children who look up to them and mimic their actions.

This also applies to those who have feathered friends with the mental and emotional development of a 4-year-old. You may have to change what you do and say in front of them.



African Grey Parrots can make amazing avian pets. They can mimic human speech, string sentences together, and memorize 1,000 words.

Alex was a famous African Grey parrot who was owned by Dr. Irene Pepperberg. Alex knew colors and shapes and could count. He could also correctly identify any type of material. He died at the age of 31. According to Dr. Pepperberg, his last sentence was:

“You be good, see you tomorrow. I love you.”

Bibi is an 11-year-old African Grey parrot who is alive and well and owned by Kelly and Greg. They never realized just what she was picking up, however!

Bibi learned how to activate the Amazon Echo the family owned by saying “Alexa.” She then created her own rather long shopping list on it!

Kelly and Greg were not sure what happened when they came across 19 new item in their shopping list. So they asked Alexa. Turns out, their precious parrot added her favorite foods.

They filmed Alexa telling them the items on the list. Almost all of the items had been added by Bibi.

Kelly points the camera to the feathered culprit during the video. However, Bibi looks quite pleased with herself in every shot.

We have always known that birds are intelligent creatures. Bibi is no exception! She had outsmarted a device that is activated with specific voices. The owners have now taken precautionary measures to make sure they don’t end up with tons of bird food. Kelly stated that the first thing they did was disable the automatic-purchase feature the device offers.

We do hope that Bibi did get some strawberries out of the deal! You have to watch this hysterical video and hear just what this funny parrot ordered from Alexa!

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