Our Bodies React To Walking Barefoot, Recent Study Confirms

May 15, 2018

It's fairly uncommon for most people to walk barefoot at any point during the day beyond changing clothes or taking a shower. People wear shoes, socks, or slippers indoors, and they often wear specific shoes outdoors to correspond with the activity they are performing. A recent study that was published initially by the Journal of Environmental and Public Health claims that it could be of vital importance to walk barefoot when outdoors.

The article in question champions a treatment called 'earthing' in which the patient stands directly on the surface of the ground with bare feet.


This connection is claimed to offer relief from various chronic illness that degenerate the body. It supposedly works by allowing a free flow of electrons from the surface of the Earth, and this helps revitalize your body.

Of course, this sounds a bit far-fetched, and you might not think there is much actual science behind it, but that isn't the case. Science does back up these claims. It can be shown demonstrably that placing your feet on the surface of the Earth with nothing barring the connection allows you to absorb negative electrons in the ground through the skin on your feet.


The Earth itself is always in a negatively charged state thanks to the way the planet's magnetic field operates, and the theory is that connecting your body directly with this planetary magnetic field aligns your system with that same negative charge.

There are several conditions that this study claims can be treated with earthing. Poor sleep or insomnia can be alleviated, and bodily inflammation can be reduced if it exists. If you feel chronic stress, earthing is meant to help with that as well.


According to the same article, earthing is just as vital as drinking enough water and getting sunlight.

The process is technically a good antioxidant since it floods your system with the same negative electrons, so it works to balance hormones that cause stress.


Not only does the process have the bioelectrical benefits, but walking is an excellent form of exercise in its own right. Be sure to avoid stepping on anything that could damage your feet while you walk through nature, which could easily happen if your feet are accustomed to wearing shoes.

Over time,  however, your feet will adapt to walking barefoot outdoors.


Getting away from shoes is also good because many shoes force your toes into uncomfortable positions that might lead to joint issues or painful calluses. It's a good idea to start off just walking around your yard with no shoes before you attempt earthing out in the open world.

Is earthing something you would ever try? Don't keep it to yourself, let others know these benefits as well!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!