Orangutan Tries His Best To Fight Off Excavator Devastating His Home

Jun 21, 2018

The rainforest in Indonesia is being torn apart. A dramatic video captured an orangutan trying to fight off an excavator that was destroying his habitat.

Indonesia's rainforest is vanishing.

More than 2.5 million acres of the country's rainforest have been lost to deforestation. Only about half of the rainforest still remains. Orangutans are struggling to survive with their environment destroyed. Many orangutans are starving.


International Animal Rescue caught a video that shows the devastating impact on animals.

In the video, an orangutan tries to fight an excavator that is destroying his habitat. He fights with everything he has, but he can't hold out against the merciless machines. According to IAR, these kinds of scenes happen frequently, especially regarding the orangutan population.

Animal rescue groups like Greenpeace and IAR have fought deforestation for years.

The rainforest is one of the last habitats that a wild orangutan can survive in. The orangutan in the video was caught and relocated safely, but he'll never be able to return to his home. In Borneo, Greenpeace recently discovered six illegal settlements and logging sites. The loggers illegally work to cut down more of the rainforest, often targeting orangutan nests.

Humans and orangutans get involved in conflicts when humans encroach on orangutan habitats.

This often has little impact on the humans and deadly consequences for the orangutans. The orangutans enter the human settlements to look for food, which results in them being treated like pests to be exterminated.

There is a light in the darkness.

One of the biggest justifications for the destruction of the rainforest is for palm oil plantations to be built. IAR is working with local farmers to create sustainable farming techniques. The group also works with companies to train them in methods for monitoring orangutans.

It's vitally important to stop deforestation before it's too late for the orangutans, the other rainforest populations, and us. Make sure you pass this video on so others can be aware of the tragic changes happening in our world!