Orangutan Spots Tiny Baby Through A Window Leaving These Parents Amazed By Its Response

Jul 16, 2018

Going to the zoo is an experience filled with education and wonder. Parents love to take the whole family to the zoo so the children can experience the beautiful sights that are available. Particularly large zoos house a vast array of creatures, sometimes including orangutans. Orangutans are extremely impressive creatures that are capable of a lot more than most people suspect.

Orangutans can be spotted either in packs or wandering all one. Both of these habitats are normal, as the orangutan can adjust and thrive in a number of different settings. In addition, they are the two strictly Asian species of extant great apes.

They can be very interactive with one another, communicating by making sounds that they understand. These wonderful creatures have even been known to blow raspberries!


The particular orangutan in this video happened to single out a very special guest and show that orangutans can be affectionate too. It was a casual day at the Denver Zoo, and a family was strolling through for a quality visit. At a certain point, the family made their way over to the orangutan exhibit. They took an interest, and the mother of the family stepped up close to the glass so her young boy could get a better look.

She couldn't believe what happened next.

The orangutan had been swinging on a rope in the exhibit and swung up extremely close to the glass window. Then, out of nowhere, the animal gave the baby boy a kiss through the glass.

It did not even stop after one, offering the little boy several heartfelt kisses. Mom and dad were lucky enough to record the interaction, and this adorable moment has been going viral ever since.

As you can see in the video, orangutans are capable of being loving and affectionate creatures. Just look at how this orangutan at the zoo offers a young boy some adorable smooches! Be sure to show this video to family and friends so they can also experience how adorable it is.