Ohio Author Narrates The Story Of Her Mother-In-Law Attending Her Wedding In A Wedding Dress She Found At A Thrift Store On The Jimmy Fallon Show

Nov 13, 2019

People have different ideas about which days in their lives are special, but one day that a lot of people consider one of the most important occasions is their wedding day. A wedding is a very meaningful turning point in a person's life, and it's also important because so many months or even years go into planning for this day. Some girls dream about their wedding day and begin planning when they're still children.


A woman's wedding day is supposed to be one of the most joyous occasions of her life, but there are some people who tend to seek the spotlight no matter who is being honored. For one bride, she experienced this first hand when she was at her wedding and spotted another woman wearing a wedding dress.

This was enough to cause irritation, but it became even more annoying when the bride realized that the offender was her mother-in-law. This must have come as quite a shock.

Amy Pennza is the bride in this scenario. She is a romance writer, and she had her wedding in Ohio in 2004. Amy ended up being good-natured about it afterward, and she decided to offer the story on Twitter for other people's amusement.


The story was also the spotlight on an episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. It was featured on a comedy skit called the #WeddingFails game.

Amy submitted a picture of herself confronting her mother-in-law Terri who is 64 years old. It is a tense image with the two facing each other, and both of them are wearing white wedding dresses. The body language conveyed the feelings that were running hot at that moment.

Amy described the photo, noticing that she was making a fist and that her back was so rigid that her spine was visible.

Even though the mood was not cheerful at that moment, the picture gained thousands of likes on Twitter within a short time. Amy didn't remember a lot of details of the night, but she remembered saying to her mother-in-law that she could be the bride. The matron of honor, Amy's sister, tried to distract her in order to avoid a conflict.

It turns out that Terri wore the dress because she saw it at a clearance sale, and she was compelled to buy it because of thrifty habits that come from her background.

How would you react in this situation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and send links to your friends on social media.