Officers Rescued Scared Dog Who Became Trapped On Thin Ice In Ohio’s Arctic Temps

Feb 08, 2019

We have all heard or experienced the “Polar Vortex” this year, the weather system that paralyzed parts of the country with dangerously low temperatures and winter snow storms. In many places, the temperatures dipped down well below the zero range along with wind chill factors that made it seem even colder.

Many local emergency services warned residents to stay inside as much as they can during the dangerous temperatures.

That is why Alexis Pitcher became extremely concerned in Ohio on Monday. The reason? Her two beloved dogs had escaped from her house when she opened her front door. She was unable to catch them before they took off out of sight.

Apollo was one of the dogs who ended up literally standing on thin ice. Apollo is a rambunctious German shepherd. He had escaped with Tucker, a black Labrador retriever. As soon as she could, Alexis called animal control to report the dogs missing.

Very soon after her initial report, the local police department received a phone call about two dogs that were running loose in the town. Brett Bird, a local police officer, found one of the escaped pups at the Jackson Street Pier. The dog that he found was Apollo.

Unfortunately, it would not be easy to rescue him. He was standing right over very thin ice.

Officer Bird told reporters that he could tell the dog was scared about the predicament he was in. Apollo was obviously having a lot of trouble walking on the slippery ice. The officer was also able to see that there was open water right below the thin ice

. He knew that if Apollo fell through it that it was likely the dog would die in just minutes. He also knew it wouldn’t be as easy to rescue a dog as it would be a human.

Alexis said that Apollo had been abused as a puppy, making him very wary around strangers. He did not want to initially come to the police officers. They had to very calmly call and coax him off the ice and to safety. Luckily, their body cams were able to capture the whole ordeal on film.

What did you think of the rescue? Would you have done the same thing? Leave us a comment and be sure to pass this heroic event on!