Officer Sees Little Boy Weeping While Rushing into School, Moment Of Kindness Goes Viral

Mar 06, 2019

Everyone has bad days on occasion, even first graders. A warm-hearted Idaho deputy helped a first grader and gave his spirits a lift.

This little guy was on his way to Hayden Meadows Elementary in Hayden, Idaho and not having an easy time of it. He was crying, cold, and running late.

The temperatures were below freezing. He was late for school. His older brother had run on ahead and left him struggling to catch up. As he ran towards school, he had tears falling from his eyes, shivering and clutching his hat in his hand.

School resource officer Doug Goodman saw this young man's struggle. The deputy was the one who kept a watchful eye on the students of Hayden Meadows.

The officer rushed to the child's side to make things better. Deputy Goodman, with the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office, is the officer behind one mother's online post that's garnered good attention from around the world.

A few days ago, Deputy Goodman took the time to help this first grader who was running late getting to school.

Deputy Goodman went out of his way to help a boy who was running late to school. He had noticed the boy was hurrying to school, looking disheveled. His hat was in his hand, not on his head.

The officer jumped out of his vehicle to help the kid. First, he had to get him warm, so he zipped up his jacket and got the hood up over the kid's head. It was a natural thing for him to do as he did it for his own kids.

Once he got the kid warmed up a bit, he walked him into the school.

Now, this would just be another day at work for Deputy Goodman if it weren't for a mother watching this from a distance. Her heart melted at this officer's action on a very cold and bitter morning.

She posted the story and her thanks to Deputy Goodman on social media. She thanked him for being there for all the children.

The Deputy as highly encouraged and humbled by this mother's words. He was also grateful and flattered by what she thought of him. Goodman takes pride in doing his job well.

He says, "I consider these kids to be like my kids. I keep them safe. Help with anything they need."

The first grader Deputy Goodman helped gives his own stamp of approval. "He's actually pretty great."

Did Deputy Goodman do his job right? What do you think? Let others get the chance to see this story for themselves by passing the video link along.