Officer Finds Dog Shivering In Freezing Rain And Decides To Adopt Him

Jun 22, 2020

Michael Pascale is an officer with the NYPD. One day while he was on duty in late 2018, Pascale received an unusual perk associated with his job. He found a new friend. After finding the black Labrador mix dog tied to a fence while on duty, Pascale rescued the dog, before later adopting him and naming him Joey.

During the holiday season, most office workers enjoy parties, delicious treats, and decorations. Police officers deal with the increased violence that often occurs during this stressful time of the year. For Officer Pascale, it was just another day patrolling the streets of Brooklyn. As Pascale was riding through the streets of Brooklyn, he noticed a cold, wet dog near a fence. The more he looked, the more the officer realized he needed to investigate further. Pascale jumped out of his car and went to take a closer look.

When he got to the fence, the officer saw that the black Labrador mix wasn’t just near the fence; he was tied to it! Quickly, Pascale led the shivering and frightened pooch back to his patrol car. As he left the scene, Pascale was driving this dog to a new life.

After his rescue, the dog received lots of care and attention. He put on some weight and developed trusting relationships with others. Finally, the dog was ready to put homelessness behind him for good.

When Officer Pascale stopped to help the dog, he didn’t know he was about to find a friend. Once the dog’s recovery was underway, Pascale named him Joey and decided to adopt him. Joey then moved in with Pascale.

These days, Joey spends much of his time with Pascale. The two live together and sometimes ride together in Pascale’s police cruiser. This delightful duo also enjoys taking selfies together while on duty. 

Such an uplifting account provides lots of positive energy for encouraging others. How did you know you were meant to adopt one or more of your own pets? Take a few moments to lift others up by writing down your furry love story, then be sure to pass this on to your friends.