Nurse Serenades Woman's Dying Father And The Video Has The Internet Weeping

Dec 01, 2018

When her father had difficulty breathing, Roberta Lytle admitted him to a hospital. At the time she had an awful feeling that he wouldn't be coming home.

Robert Olson's breathing difficulties came from an ongoing heart condition. His age prevented him from being given a pacemaker, so Roberta could only stay by his side in the hospital. That's when she met his nurse.

Brenda Buurstra cared for Robert for much of his stay, and she garnered his trust. When he was admitted he couldn't speak more than two words at once, but with her help, his ability to talk began to improve.

The day that really helped in Robert's turnaround came when Brenda was in the room with Robert and Roberta as they watched a TV show about Pat Boone. Robert told Brenda he wasn't a fan of him, but he liked the song "You Light Up My Life" by his daughter, Debby Boone. Brenda didn't know the lyrics, so she printed them off from her computer and began singing them to Robert.

Throughout her 14-year career, Brenda liked to sing to her patients. When Roberta saw this she was instantly stunned. Not only was it sweet -- she had a great voice to boot. As Brenda sings Robert looks into her eyes and through his breathing mask you can see a wide smile plastered on his face.

As the song came to a close Brenda shared the lyrics with Robert so they could duet. Just a week earlier he could only say two words, but here he was singing along. Roberta almost had no choice but to record this precious moment.

A week later Robert was discharged and sent home. When he was admitted, things looked grim, but it was Brenda's kindness and her singing with him that really pulled him back from the brink.

While speaking to a local news channel, Brenda explained that despite her singing for much of her career, this was the first time she "got caught." She then opened up about how her singing literally lit him up. His eyes "lit up" and he had a "big smile."

As Brenda pointed out, "You could tell it touched his heart."

Watch the video above, and feel free to spread this beautiful moment with everyone you know. Don't forget to leave a comment telling us what you think about Brenda serenading Robert!