Nobody Can Believe How Precise Rami Malek's Performance As Freddie Mercury Is

Nov 20, 2018

If you have been lucky enough to see the newest hit movie, Bohemian Rhapsody, you know that Rami Malek’s performance as Freddy Mercury was just amazing. However, the latest viral video has been making the rounds, showing viewers just how accurate the portrayal really was.

The footage shows viewers a “video-within-a-video” comparison of the real singer’s performance at Live Aid with Malek’s performance in the movie. When you watch it, you will see that every gesture is exact. Malek made the same single hand movement, the same steps and gestures, and the same purse of the lips that Mercury did when he was on stage in 1985. The similarity is now blowing people’s minds as they realize just how much time and dedication Malek put into this astonishing performance.

After watching the work that the actor put into the latest version, people jumped on social media to express just how amazed they are at the similarities.

Some exclaimed that they had literal chills from watching the two videos side-by-side. Another viewer said that she became confused about which one was the original and which one was the actor.

Malek himself talked about the Live Aid performance in the movie. He said he watched the original performance over 1,500 times. He also brought the recording with him on the set of the movie to make sure he got the moves down perfect.

However, he also told reporters in an interview that things wouldn’t ever be absolutely perfect. He felt that if he tried to get it perfect, he would end up losing some of the authenticity. He knew that the movements would not match up completely and that there may be some things that were off, but he also said that he felt very alive in the moments that he was performing.

He continued on to say that they filmed one song a day. They tried to take it gesture for gesture and move by move as they filmed. He claims it was the most incredible adrenaline high for him.

Freddy Mercury is a legend that won’t ever be forgotten, but Rami Malek has absolutely established himself to be an amazing actor with this mind-blowing portrayal of the singer.

Did you love Malek’s performance as much as we did? Let us know in the comments and pass this on to all those Queen-Fans out there!