No One Would Believe This Man When He Described His Horse's Afternoon Ritual - So He Caught It On Film

Apr 29, 2019

We all have our daily routines. Whether it is starting a day with a cup of coffee, making a trip to the gym following work, or taking a certain route to work or school on a daily basis, human beings are creatures of habit.

The truth is, all creatures on earth are creatures of habit. Routines provide humans and animals with a sense of comfort and familiarity.

When a horse owner recently became conscious of his horse's daily ritual, he decided to share it with the world.

The summer months for some are more grueling than others due to the location in which they live. And while we all love spending a little time in the sun, none of us associate an extended time with high heat and sun exposure as a good time. Animals are not too fond of these conditions either.

Animals are often tasked with finding relief from the sun in ways that do not include a cold shower or a glass of their favorite ice cold beverage.

One horse found his relief from the heat by jumping in a swimming pool present on his owner's property and swimming a few laps each day.

It is impressive to watch the gracefulness of the swimming horse. The horse swims back and forth between the two ends of the swimming pool before finally stepping from the pool once his owner beckoned him.

Once leaving the pool, the horse strolls away as if what he had just done was no big deal.

Did you think you would ever see a swimming horse who only has to be told once to leave the pool? Send this article and video to your friends to put a smile on their faces!