Neighbors Build Door In Fence To Make It Easier For Their Dogs To Hang Out Together

Nov 02, 2019

Mr. and Mrs. Graham are a very loving couple. They thought it would be a good idea to share their love with someone warm and fuzzy. With that idea in mind, they got themselves a cute little puppy to live with them.

Before she was rescued, the puppy didn’t have a home. Then the Grahams came along, named the dog Tate, and changed her life forever. Tate adjusted well to living with the Graham family, and soon she discovered Vernon. Vernon was the dog she saw in the neighbor’s yard. As The Dodo reported, Tate and Vernon were separated by a fence, and though the wooden barrier kept them apart, they sensed a friendship was waiting to happen.

The thought of getting acquainted with one another was too much for the dogs to handle, so they began to dig a pathway underneath the fence. Although attempts were made to stop the digging, the dog’s owners did not succeed.

As Mrs. Graham thought about what she could do to retain the fence while keeping Tate in good spirits, she came up with a couple of ideas. A date when the dogs could play was a thought. But then came the idea of installing a door in the fence.

Tate’s human mommy asked her father to do the installation. She wanted her dog and the dog next door to be able to go through the doggie door whenever they wanted so they could have fun together. The doggie door would put an end to the digging, and neither dog owner would have to be bothered.

The door was a big hit, and because it was, Mrs. Graham wishes its success will move others to get acquainted with the people living next door to them. Tate is as happy as she can be now because she has love, a good home, and a four-legged friend she can hang out with whenever she wants.

What do you think? Have any of your pets made friends with another animal that lived next door? Pass this along to all your friends and family, you might just put a smile on their face!