Need To Water Your Plants When You Are Away? Here’s The Solution

May 17, 2018

Your houseplants need as much love and attention as any of your family member. So here is a hack that you can use to save the house plants when you are away for a work trip or a week-long vacation. You can make this automatic soil moistening system at home and not worry about bothering your friends or neighbors!

The essential components required to make this system can be found in every house are as follows:

1. A cork.

2. Suitable plastic bottle.

3. A drill or an awl.

Steps to make this homemade watering system:

1. Drill a hole in the cork in the middle. The narrower the hole, the longer the self-made irrigation system will work.

2. Then dig an about 2 inches small pit in the flower pot.

3. And lastly, get a full bottle of water, seal it with a cork and dig it into the ground with the neck down. One bottle is enough for 4-5 days.

4. Repeat the same procedure with the other houseplants.

That's it. Using this simple trick will ensure that your plants don't miss you a lot and you can also enjoy your time off without a worry.


If this article helped you or if you have other solutions for watering plants let us know in the comment section. Don't forget to share this article with your loved ones that can benefit from this!