Need To Relax? Try Getting A Snake Massage (Using Actual, Live Snakes)

Jul 31, 2018

These days, it seems like there’s no shortage of spa options. Take the snake massage, where real, live snakes slither over your body to help you, um, relax. A snake priestess supervises the snake activity, so you don’t have to worry about being completely constricted.

Snake Massage Your Troubles Away

Usually, when you close your eyes and picture a gang of snakes slithering over your body, you’re having some kind of nightmare. It’s probably no surprise that, around the world, snake phobia is one of the most common fears. Our instincts can’t help but tell us to stay away from these predatory reptiles.

So, why would anyone get a massage from a snake? In spite of widespread phobia, some cultures have long associated the snake with healing powers. Today, some people still maintain that there are health benefits to getting a snake massage. So, is this new trend anything more than just hype?

What Exactly Is A Snake Massage?

When you fork over your hard-earned cash to get a snake massage, a snake priestess lies you down and lays non-venomous snakes on you. The snake priestess supervises the snakes – usually three or four – as they glide over your body. When they tire of slithering all over you, the snakes can potentially wrap around your feet, arms, neck, and head. Basically, what you’re getting is a unique sensory experience.

One snake priestess extolled the benefits of the snake massage, telling CBSNY how the snakes “tone and stimulate the vagus nerve,” releasing endorphins and oxytocin. When you leave your snake massage session, these feel-good hormones will improve the rest of your day. Moreover, snake massages are also thought to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and improve circulation to your heart, decreasing the overall risk of heart disease.

Sometimes people go in for a snake massage simply to combat their fear of snakes. They find the experience empowering. Afterward, snake massage clientele describe the experience as everything from being like a giant hug to being extremely calm and peaceful.

Tell your friends about the surprising benefits of getting a snake massage with – yes – real, live snakes.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!