My Papa Is My Friend Today And Forever

Jan 03, 2018

When a girl gets a Papa, she will have amazing adventures for years to come. She will fly high atop of his shoulders and pretend she is flying like an airplane. She will always have a fantastic imagination because she has someone there to help build it. She will always be ready to laugh when her papa tells her stories, and he will also wipe away any tears. When you give your child a papa, she will have enough memories to last a whole lifetime. 

In German, Papa means Dad. However, in the United States, it now also means grandpa. While for many people it is just another word, it does hold a deeper meaning to many. Papa usually isn’t just a grandfather to those who love him. He is a best friend, a protector, a grand storyteller, a strong man, a mischievous one, and most importantly, the biggest hero a young child could know.

Papa can turn the most ordinary activities into mighty adventures. From a very young age, many little girls are running behind their papa as quickly as they possibly can. Most girls are always ready to do anything that their papa wants to do, as they see him as a major adventure at all times. He is big and strong and fills the room when he walks in, and little girls just love to be there for it all!

Papa is the man that most little girls model their future boyfriends and husbands after. If the man they are seeing doesn’t treat them the same way that their papa did, then they are probably not worth the time or effort! Papa knows how to treat them, and they know what the right way is and what the wrong way is, as well. Their future men need to make them laugh and smile and have the same fire and passion as their papa did. Without that, they are not the man for them. That is why being a papa is so vastly important. Every little girl models the rest of their men after him!

Papa is also every girl’s primary hero of the day and in their world. Most girls would do anything that they could to be just like their papa, to hold everything together when the world seems to be falling apart around them. That is what a hero does- he is there for you when you need him, and he will always be by your side! Papa has the ability to make you laugh, and it always feels like you're at home in the right place. He fights hard for what he believes in and has plenty of charm and charisma. He deals with people who wronged you with bravery and class. But he is also very kind. He follows his faith and encourages his girls to follow their faith, as well. He is a person who others will always speak fondly of when he comes up in a conversation!

At the end of the day, no one can ever take the place of a Papa. A girl will do everything she can to be by his side and be there when he needs her. He shapes you into the person that you are working to become and is always there with helpful advice and kind words. While best friends may come in and out of your life, your papa will always be there for you.

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