Motorist Lifts Baby Horse Over Fence To Return It To Its Mother After Getting Stuck

Jun 12, 2020

The last thing you expect to see while driving on a highway in the country with your friends is a baby horse in the middle of the road. Fortunately, a video from 2015 shows how the man who spotted this little foal in the distance decided to stop and see what was going on. A few minutes later, he was helping the little one gets reunited with its mother.

All Alone on a Highway

The little foal can be seen running along the road in the distance. As the man's truck approaches, it runs right up to the truck and seems panic-stricken. It cries out for a brief moment and begins running back to a guardrail alongside the highway. It didn't take long for the group to realize that this baby had managed to escape over the guardrail and couldn't get back to its mother. Even if the mother had been able to jump over the guardrail to come to her foal, the baby was too small to follow.

Lending a Helping Hand

The mother was running alongside the guardrail, obviously worried that she couldn't get to her baby. That's when the man decided to step in and help out. The baby was quite frightened and didn't want to stand still long enough for the man to help it out. It was nervous and who can blame it? Who knows how long it had been loose and trying to get back to its mother? The man made several attempts to approach the foal, but it was afraid and would attempt to run away. Finally, he was able to stop the foal and the man is seen squatting down, scooping it up, and gently setting it over the guardrail. Meanwhile, the anxious mother doesn't take her eyes off of her little one. Once over the rail, the foal and its mother run to rejoin their herd, happy to be reunited.

A Job Well Done

This man's good deed doesn't go unnoticed. You can hear friends congratulating the man on a job well done after the rescue. Had this man not stopped to help the foal and its mother, the situation could have ended badly. Thankfully, this man took the time to stop, assess the situation, and lend a helping hand.

An Inspiration to All

It's an act that inspires all of us to care enough to take that extra step and help out an animal or stranger in need. Sometimes, a few minutes of time can make a huge difference to an animal or person in need. Pass this story on to your friends. It will warm their hearts and make their day.