Mother Sloth Holds Her Baby Tight As They Trek Through Jungle

May 11, 2020

While looking for something new to excite animal lovers, popular wildlife photographer David Weiller explores Costa Rica’s treetops in his new animal documentary. The documentation for this particular day’s exploration will leave you in awe.

David Weiller is a well-known wildlife videographer who stood out with his exemplary camera and capturing skills in a recently concluded insect series. His recent videos have seen a slight change in focus and patience, where he started documenting a new species of animal, the brown-throated sloths.

One of these beautiful short clips involves a mother’s devotion to protecting her baby sloth even during movement. David Weiller captures the mama sloth moving towards one end of a tree branch to another with a baby sloth clenching tightly on her chest.

During the 30-second clip, mama sloth is seen touching every inch of the tree branch before stabilizing her landing. These thrilling yet tender seconds are piped with tens of questions as the clip approaches its last seconds, “is she going to eat the tree branch?” “What does the jungle smell like?” and finally, “why is mama sloth green, unlike her offspring?”

David Weiller quenches his audience’s thirst by delivering a second clip that captures mama sloth and her baby feeding on what sloths feed on. The duo is caught by David’s camera munching on something that looks like a large leaf.

Every day, there’s something new to learn, and today you’ve probably made more discoveries about the sloths, however slow. In the hope that David Weiller has something cooking in the pot, you could ponder on the two short videos that focus on mama sloth, her baby, and their journey.

What are your thoughts on David Weiler’s two videos on mama sloth and her baby surviving in Costa Rica’s jungle? Is it something you would love to see through your own naked eyes sometime? Let us know what you think about this experience. In the meantime, feel free to show your loved ones and friends about what mother nature has in store for animal lovers.