Mother Has To Leave Ill Son In NICU So Uber Driver Surprises Her With 30 Baby Outfits

Oct 31, 2019

It's challenging to be a mom for the first time. Bringing a child into the world is no easy task. When you've just given birth to a child with a serious medical issue, the stress level can be almost unbearable.

Nikki Ihus was excited to give birth to her beautiful son, John Henry. That excitement quickly turned into apprehension when she found out that he had a condition called a congenital diaphragmatic hernia. She and her husband turned to John Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida.

It was one of the only hospitals ready and willing to take on their newborn son's extensive specialized care.

A congenital diaphragmatic hernia is essentially a hole in one's diaphragm. Stomach organs can sometimes become displaced into the chest cavity through the hole. Survival rates for children born with this problem are roughly 70%.

Little John Henry's care was very expensive. After being operated on he would have a long road to recovery ahead of him. That's why Nikki's sister set up a GoFundMe page for the family. The account quickly raised more than $9,000 to help cover the cost of the baby's treatment.

According to the description on the GoFundMe account, Nikki has four months' worth of short term disability that runs out in November.

After that, their bills are likely to snowball. The funds being raised will, hopefully, allow Nikki and her husband Joseph the economic ability to spend more time looking after their son and less time worrying about paying bills.

Beyond the generosity of donors to the GoFundMe, the Ihus family has gotten some support from an unexpected source. Nikki is from the Kansas City, Missouri area. She didn't have any local connections near the hospital, so she hired Belinda, an Uber driver, to take her around town to get some items she needed.

Belinda listened compassionately as the bewildered new mom shared the story of what was going on with her hospitalized son.

“I believe everyone gets in my car for a reason and not just a ride,” Belinda told WFLA TV.

This caring driver then dropped her off at a baby clothing store. Then she felt prompted to park, drop everything else on her schedule, and go into the store and shop with Nikki. Next, she made an offer that blew Nikki away. She asked if she could buy some clothes for baby John Henry.

Nikki was completely overwhelmed at Belinda's act of kindness. Knowing that a total stranger would do something so thoughtful brightened this scared new mother's day. The two spent several hours picking out adorable outfits for the tiny newborn.

Today, Nikki considers Belinda her hero. She set up a time for the Uber driver with a giving heart to meet her little boy. She instantly fell in love with sweet John Henry. Nikki and the rest of the family are so thankful for the way this amazing woman's good deed touched all of their lives.

What do you think of this Uber driver's willingness to show so much concern and generosity to a stranger? We'd love to read your thoughts in the comments. Pass this heartwarming story along to remind everyone you know about the power of love in action!