Mother Cuddles Her Premature Newborn For First Time

May 23, 2020

When Natasha Bjork Johnson from Grimsby, UK, went into labor back in January of 2018 at Grimsby Maternity Home, her daughter was 14 weeks early. And because her daughter Freya was so premature — she weighed only 2 pounds at birth — Johnson was only able to cuddle and hold her baby six weeks later. Johnson captured that emotional moment on video.

Due to her premature birth, Freya was born with a hole in her heart along with a chronic lung disease, Daily Mail reports. Fortunately, with the help of an attentive medical team that transferred Freya to Jessop Wing in Sheffield for treatment, and later to Grimsby's ICU, Freya was eventually allowed to return home with her family after ten weeks. In the video below, you can see a nurse handing the tiny baby girl over to her mother for the first time following Freya's harrowing premature birth.

As the nurse carefully transfers baby Freya to Natasha’s arms, the mother gently embraces her child and clutches her to her chest. The skilled nurse makes sure she rearranges the breathing tube the baby is connected to so it’s not in Natasha’s way.

You can see that the preemie is in a very delicate state, and she is so incredibly tiny. She is so much smaller than a full-term baby, and she looks like a little doll wearing nothing more than a white knitted hat and a diaper. Hopefully, Freya won’t have any of the health problems that are commonly associated with a premature birth.

What do you think about this emotional video? Do you have a similar story? Let us know and pass this heartwarming video on to family members and friends.