Mother Breastfeeds Hungry Four-Month-Old While Driving In Traffic, Sparking Huge Debate

Jan 18, 2020

An Australian mother has sparked an intense debate between mothers everywhere because of her decision to breastfeed her infant while driving. Raquel Reynolds was stuck on the highway in a traffic jam caused by a tanker accident. The traffic had come to a stop at first and then progressed to an intermittent crawl, but Reynold’s infant had no patience for what was happening outside of her need to feed.

Anyone that has a baby, especially an infant, knows that the day and all schedules revolve around the baby and its needs. A baby’s need for food is perhaps the most urgent, if not the most insistent and nerve-wracking. A baby will cry and wait until it is fed, which can lead to even the most patient and composed parent to lose their composure.

So, when the traffic jam ran well into her child’s mealtime, and when Reynold’s established that there was nowhere safe for her to pull over or off the roadway, she removed her infant from the child safety seat and began to breastfeed on the road. Then Reynolds did something that opened her up to viral criticism – she made a video of herself breastfeeding her baby and posted it on her Instagram account. "We're sitting in traffic and baby's hungry ... what am I supposed to do?" she says in the video.

As the Daily Mail reports, almost immediately Reynolds was bombarded with a wave of criticism, comments of support and agreement, and professionals weighing in about her decision. The majority of individuals on platforms like or The Car Seat Lady couldn’t deny the huge risk and danger that accompanied this decision, saying she was lucky nothing happened.

Raquel Reynolds has yet to respond to the criticism beyond her initial defense of the decision she made that day on the road. She has since removed the video from her Instagram account and made her account private to stem the comments.

If you had a hungry baby screaming in your ear would you do everything possible to feed them as soon as possible, or do you think you could outlast a crying baby during a delay?