Mother Appears Relaxed As Her Skilled Doctor Repositions Her Breech Baby In Two Minutes

Jan 15, 2020

A breech birth is a birth where the baby is not head first. It occurs in three to five percent of pregnancies and may serious complications, such as blocking oxygen to the baby due to umbilical cord compression. This video highlights the skills of a doctor who is able to reset the position of a baby within its mother, who appears totally relaxed as he practices his craft.

It used to be the norm for medical personnel to be trained to safely handle breech births. However, it is now the norm in the developed world for breech babies to be delivered by cesarean section. Cesarean section is major surgery. As such, it leaves the mom with scarring and can, itself, cause complications.

Studies show that it reduces complications for the baby in comparison to trying to deliver a breech baby vaginally, but it doesn't reduce complications for the mother. The rate of complications for the mother remains the same either way, documents Healthline.

The best solution for both mom and baby is for the baby to simply be born normally -- via a vaginal delivery where the baby comes out head first. Surprisingly, in about half of all breech cases, this is actually a very achievable goal.

In many cases, the baby can simply be manually massaged into the correct position. In layman's terms, this is called turning the baby, but the technical term is external cephalic version (ECV), says Healthline.

This might sound like it would be difficult, painful, or take a long time. But the truth is that it can be done in as little as two minutes by someone with skill and experience and the mother can be totally relaxed.

Watch this video of a perfectly relaxed mom getting this completely non-invasive procedure that can prevent major surgery if it is successful. Midway through, she even giggles because she can feel the baby turn and it feels funny.

It starts with a peek at the baby using ultrasound to check the baby's position. The doctor then quietly speaks with the expectant mom and explains what he is about to do. There is gel on her stomach, seemingly from the ultrasound. He spreads it around as if to use it as a lubricant.

Then he feels for the position of the baby and begins to gently push the baby around. About the time there is clear and visible progress, mom suddenly laughs.

Pass on this delightful video. Spread the word that there is a quick, easy and completely non-invasive means to resolve a breech birth.