Mother And Son’s ‘Thriller’ Dance Performance Astonishes Wedding Guests

Aug 29, 2020

A video from 2016 has been making the rounds across the internet and grabbing new views every day. It is a video that shows an amazing mother and son dance duo who perform to several hit songs including the Michael Jackson tune Thriller. This duo became a hit at a wedding.

The audience that was in attendance was blown away by their performance. This is also true for countless viewers around the world that have delighted in their skills as well. It is one of those videos that you simply have to see.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

This mother and son have been dancing together for a while now and they have gotten rave reviews every time that they have shown off their moves in public. Meanwhile, Thriller is one of those iconic songs that always gets people up and dancing. It is a great tune to put on to add some fun to the atmosphere. That is exactly what this mother and son did when they danced for a wedding crowd with this exciting routine.

This dance routine is fun from the very start. It is easy to see why this video has been able to entertain people around the world. The view totals keep increasing each day as more people find out about this fun-filled wedding party. The mother and son dancing duo kick things off with the beloved song Puttin on the Ritz. This serves to set the mood. They dance routine then veers into several other well-known tunes before jumping into the Thriller part of the performance.

It is during this point in the dance that the fun really kicks into full gear. It is one of the most energetic dance performances that we have seen in a while and the wedding party guests loved every second of it. The countless viewers around the world that have seen it have also talked about how much they love it.

What was your reaction when you first saw this entertaining video of a mother and son dancing duo? Did you find yourself as entertained by the dance routine as the countless viewers who have seen it around the world have been? If you said yes, then please pass along the video so that more people will get a chance to see this fun dance routine.

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