Most People Make These 8 Mistakes When Caring For Their Teeth

Oct 18, 2018

When we mention personal care of the teeth, we are talking about the brushing that you may or may not be doing twice daily. Brushing your teeth is too generalized of an advice that dentists and parents give us since we are little.

To make things more specific and help you care for your teeth better, here are eight mistakes that people are doing when it comes to their teeth.

Pressing Too Hard

Thinking that you are doing a better job at brushing when pressing harder is not the way it works when it comes to teeth. When you are pressing too hard, the hairs of the brush bend which prevents them from properly collecting deposits in the spaces between the teeth. The hard pressing of the brush can also harm the gums with time.

Not Paying Attention To Diet

It is common knowledge that sugar is bad for your teeth. It is also important to remember that your bones and teeth are made of microelements such as calcium, phosphorus, and fluoride. You need to have these elements sufficient in your food. Eat more dairy products, fish, vegetables, fruits, and whole foods to get the elements that you need for your teeth.

Not Using Other Cleaning Devices

Your toothbrush cannot do all of the cleaning on its own. Some deposits will be left at places where the hairs of the brush cannot reach. To clean your teeth thoroughly, use dental floss and interdental brush between your teeth. Use a mouthwash to clean the bacteria that can cause cavities. Mitrofanov

Another tool that is very useful for cleaning your teeth is the oral irrigator. This device uses a nozzle with water running through it to clean out all the parts of your mouth.

Forgetting Your Gums

Periodontosis is a condition in which the gums do not get supplied with blood and become weaker. They can bleed, be inflamed, or recede. This can, eventually and if not treated, cause you to lose your tooth.

To prevent this, you need to massage your gums with your brush or with your fingers. Eating hard foods is another way to stimulate your gums. You can also use different solutions like sage tea or salt water to help your gums.

Not Removing Tooth Tartar

Tartar can accumulate around the teeth as the side product of the saliva and food plaque accumulating. This tartar has a yellow or a brown color and can sometimes be hard as sand. When the plaque buildup has hardened to this point, the only way to clean it is by visiting the dentist to clean it with special tools. If you are prone to tartar buildup, make sure you have this tartar cleaning procedure at least once per year.

Avoiding Braces If You Are An Adult

Most adults do not get braces because they think they are too old to correct their teeth. This is not true, and children are not the only ones who can benefit from braces. It is not just about the beautiful smile either.

Having your teeth straightened out is a preventive measure against cavity and decay in spaces where teeth are crammed together. For those that do not want to be seen with braces, there are ones that are not visible and are placed on the back of the teeth.

You Chew On One Side Only

Chewing is healthy for the teeth. When teeth are used for chewing, they get stimulated and strengthened. Chewing on one side of the mouth can cause the other side to suffer. When eating, try to chew with both sides of the mouth. Eating hard foods like fresh fruits and vegetables will additionally stimulate your gums and teeth.

Bad Dental Habits

Some parents do not take care of the milk teeth of their children. While the milk teeth eventually get replaced, the habits that are developed around teeth at this age stay for the rest of the child's life. Children should be taught to brush their teeth regularly from a very young age. This means brushing their teeth at least three minutes and moving the brush properly.

Because children's teeth are not so strong yet and the grooves of their teeth are deeper, it is important to teach them to brush carefully. Some children may benefit from fissure sealing. This is a procedure in which the fissures of the teeth are sealed so it is easier for them to be cleaned and food does not get stuck in them.

What About The Old Toothbrush?

Another mistake that you can eventually make with your dental hygiene is not changing your toothbrush every three months. What do you do with four old toothbrushes each year? You can use the old toothbrush to exfoliate your lips, clean your mails, use it as an eyebrow brush, clean vegetable skin, or clean places in the house that are tight or hard to reach. This way you will give your old toothbrush a new and a practical life.

How do you care for your teeth and do yo make these mistakes? How can changing these mistakes impact your teeth positively?

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!