Mom Walks In On Twins In The Laundry Basket, Can’t Stop Laughing At Their Adorable Conversation

Feb 14, 2019

Anyone who has young children will tell you just how adorable they can be, especially when they think no one is watching.

Toddlers can find joy and fun in a variety of different places.

You may buy them the most expensive new toy on the market, only to find them playing in the box it came in! Kids can be very easily amused when left to their own devices.

This is definitely the case when it comes to young siblings who get into mischief together. When this mother came across her twins playing around, she knew that she had to get out the camera and record them. When you find out what they were doing, you’ll laugh out loud for sure!

Stella and Lilah are two 18-month-old twins who love to play and “talk” to one another. Their mom caught them having what looked like a very important conversation one day. What about, you are asking? Socks! Yes, these two cuties were playing with socks in the laundry basket when their mom came in and began recording.

One twin started out sitting in the basket while the other kept handing the other folded socks. They talked back in forth in their cute little toddler language, but you can clearly hear that they know the word “socks!” Finally, the second twin decides to join the first in the basket. The little cutie carefully climbs into the basket, sitting across from their twin.

They continue their conversation, trading pairs of socks back and forth. There is even a quick tug-of-war between the two! Sitting there in their matching leopard-print onesies, we can’t help but wonder just what these two are discussing. While it is definitely a conversation about socks, who knows just what these two have planned for later!

We are so glad that mom was nearby and able to capture this adorable moment on video. She will surely replay it for them later when they are grown up! However, we are also willing to bet these twins will supply a number of cute and funny videos as they get older. We hope that mom is always there with her camera, ready to catch the action!

Check out the adorable video of these two cutie-pies below:

What did you think of these twins? Did you love them as much as we did? Tell us what you think and then pass this video along for others to see!