Mom Thanks Cashier For “Seeing” Special Needs Child In Heartwarming Video

Mar 17, 2019

Lily Teach is a lovely little girl with special needs who lives in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. This nine-year-old wants to grow up to be a doctor, a teacher or to work at a grocery store.

One of Lily's favorite activities is to go to the grocery store with her mom, Lisa. Lily loves watching the store’s employees bag groceries. And on February 24, little Lilly got to do more than just watching groceries being bagged.

Isaac Witte, a Giant Food Store employee, is a customer-oriented employee. On Feb. 24, Isaac gave Lily the chance to help bag her mom’s groceries. Mom took a video of the encounter and posted the touching interaction on Facebook.

Lisa also posted a heartfelt thanks to Isaac, who made her daughter’s day with his patience and kind actions.

Lisa said, “My daughter Lily loves to watch the bagging process at the grocery store. Lily loves watching how everything fits into the grocery bags, kind of like the game Tetris.”

Lisa also said that Lily finds watching grocery bagging therapeutic. So imagine how thrilled Lily was when Isaac invited her to help him bag her mom’s groceries.

The video shows Isaac handing each of mom’s purchases to Lily, who gently places each one into a bag. Then Lily handed the bags to her mom, with a huge smile on her face. Then Lily told Isaac that she loved him and gave him a big hug.

Later, Isaac explained that he, too, has a disability. Nobody let him help bag groceries when he was younger, so he thought Lily would enjoy the experience of helping out in the store.

Several days later, Lily and Lisa went back to the store to give Isaac a thank you card. The staff at Giant Food Store treated Lily to an exciting day.

She even got a name tag and scanned some products. Lily was also offered a job when she turned 16!

Isaac and the Giant Food Store are to be congratulated for their excellent customer service and for making Lily feel like a valued customer. Pass on this story with a friend who needs encouragement today and comment below.