Mom's Friend Tells Her To Go Online Only To See Photo Of Her Son Going Viral

Nov 28, 2018

Stacey Philpot is a blogger that spends the majority of her time reading and writing on the Internet. Lately, however, she had become disgusted by the amount of toxicity she was seeing online.

So she decided she needed a break. Stacey cut out social media and any other virtual distractions. She was free!

That is, until someone sent Stacey a link that was hard to ignore.

Her friend insisted that there was a Facebook emergency--Stacey had to log back in ASAP!

The mom took her friend's advice and followed the link to see what was going on. Little did she know what she was about to see.

This viral story featured a boy doing something no one else would do with him.

This act of bravery was taking over the Internet and Stacey NEEDED to see it. As Stacey scrolled through the story, she looked on in amazement and disbelief. That boy was her own son!

Most parents, like Stacey, realize that they can't keep track of everything their child is doing. However, the fact that her son was now an Internet sensation caused her to feel sad inside. She should have known about this before all of Facebook!

Even still, as Stacey continued to read through the story, she became overwhelmed with pride. The rest of the world was talking about her son and how brave he was for standing up for his beliefs.

Stacey's son Hayden was the only one to take a stand at the Lake Minneola High School's flag during See You at the Pole. This annual event takes place all over the world and is a way for students to gather around the school's flagpole to pray for friends, churches, family members, and their community.

While Hayden initially started his mission wanting to pray until others joined him, he quickly realized that no one else would be coming. This is when his prayer changed.
He prayed that God would allow his standing alone to change the hearts of others.

While Hayden may have felt lonely in the moment, God definitely heard his prayers. Once his story took off on the Internet, the rest of the world saw his action and heard his prayers, too.

As soon as Stacey discovered the viral story, she texted her son how proud she was of him. Once Hayden came home, they read through the many positive comments that other readers shared about the story.

What a touching moment! Have you ever experienced something like this? Leave your comments below. Don't forget to spread the word about Hayden's inspiring story to your friends and family.