Mom Ready To Buy 2 Different Shoe Sizes For Her Son With Clubfoot, Is Overwhelmed By Manager's Reply

Nov 26, 2018

If you have children, then you know that it can sometimes be difficult getting clothes and shoes in the right sizes that are needed all the time. One mother faces a challenge that many other parents don't have to deal with and was treated a bit differently by a manager when shopping for shoes for her son.

When Landon Pearson was born, he had a club foot, making it difficult for him to walk and wear shoes. One foot pointed at an angle and was larger than the other one. While Landon was younger, he had to wear casts on his foot and braces to try to correct his walk.

Landon was eight years old when he was finally able to go shopping for regular shoes even though one would be a different size than the other to accommodate the foot that was bigger. Landon's mom took him to Under Armour to look for shoes that he would like.

He found a pair of tennis shoes that he enjoyed that were very vibrant in appearance. The store manager measured Landon's feet to make sure he got a pair of shoes that fit him perfectly.

Sean Kelly told Landon's mother that since one shoe would need to be a different size that she would need to buy two pairs of shoes since the store couldn't split pairs.

After hearing that Landon would need a size three and a size six, her world crumbled because her son's first shopping experience for shoes could soon end without a pair after all.

While they were still in the store, Landon's mother talked to the manager about her son's condition and how his club foot had already caused so many issues in his short life.

When Sean heard that Landon's mother would just buy both pairs, he offered to buy one if she bought the other one.

What do you think about this small yet incredible act of kindness? Do you know anyone with clubfoot? Send this to everyone in your circle of family and friends so that they can also read about this beautiful story!