Mom Proudly Puts Sticker On Her Car About Her Soldier Son, Gets Confronted With Message On Windshield

Apr 17, 2019

Jodi St. Clair is a proud mother of two Army sons, Jacob and Daniel. To demonstrate her loyalty she placed two stickers on her car. One reads 'My sons defend our freedom' and the other says 'Proud parent of a soldier'. Whenever she drives to work, runs errands, or just goes out with a friend, her car proclaims her pride in her Army sons to everyone nearby. 

Apparently, that caught someone's attention, because when Jodi came out to her car after work, she discovered that someone had left a note on her windshield.

What Happened

Jodi works at a beauty salon and one day when she came out to her car after work she noticed something on the windshield. At first, she didn't know what it was, but then she found a note and a twenty dollar bill.

Was it for a door ding? Was someone somehow pranking her? What was the money for?

What The Note Said

The note was written by a woman who signed her entire name, but here we're just referring to her as Shelley.

In her note, Shelley said that the money was to go to one of the boys serving in the Army! She didn't know Jodi's name and so she addressed her simply as 'Proud Parent' and told Jodi that she prayed for all our servicemen and servicewomen around the world.

She wished Jodi and her family well and then, apparently, disappeared.

The Aftermath

Jodi and her husband had Shelley's full name and the fact that her note had been written on USO letterhead stationery. Using these clues they were able to contact Shelley and reconnect with her in more direct ways.

Military families can always use the support of their fellow citizens.

Their days can be full of tension, not knowing where their children or spouses are serving, and not knowing anything about their safety. Finding a supportive note and making a new friend can mean everything to families like Jodi's.

You can watch the amazing story in the video below:

Notes left on windshields usually conjure up angry confrontations or admission about a minor car dent. Just think how much better our lives would be if those notes were all transformed into the kind of support and concern that Shelley displayed. If you have friends or family who serve in a military capacity, let them see this story!