Mom Fumes At Parent's Comment At School As She Arrives Straight From Job

Sep 16, 2021

Having kids comes with plenty of responsibilities, especially during their younger years. One of the tasks that parents have to manage during their children’s school-age years is figuring out how the kids are going to get to school and get picked up from school. It can be frustrating trying to work around work schedules and find a way to get both the children and yourself where you need to be on time. It can definitely be challenging, but it’s simply something that just needs to get done.

For one mother, she found that juggling this routine was actually pretty difficult. She works 12-hour night shifts from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. and then needs to have her son to school at 8:45 a.m. There isn’t a whole lot of time in between her work shift and the time her child needs to be dropped off at school, so she has to make a few sacrifices to balance both schedules. One of those sacrifices is wearing the same clothes that she had on during her long work shift to her son’s school.

In September 2021, she dropped her son off like normal but had an unfortunate encounter. She heard one of the other parents complain about how much she smells, instantly hurting her feelings. Even though she didn’t say anything then, she visited the Mumsnet on Sept. 14, 2021 site because she wanted to figure out how to navigate the situation so no one picks on her son in the future for thinking his mother stinks.

Her Busy Schedule

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Starting off her post on Mumsnet, the mother explained that she needed to rant about a situation that happened the other day when she dropped her son off at his school. The mother went on to talk about how she works 12-hour shifts from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. and then has to drop her son off at school by 8:45 a.m. Since she’s in such a time crunch, she doesn’t have enough time to change clothes and just wears the same ones she wore during her work shift. She added, “I wear the same clothes to work because I work in a factory and I don’t want to ruin good clothes.”

Everything was going fine at first, until the mother overheard someone make a pretty rude comment while waiting for the school doors to open. “The other day I was waiting for the teacher to open the door with some other parents, when I heard one of the parents say to the other that I stink,” the mother wrote. “This annoyed me but I didn’t say anything.”

It’s safe to say that the mother was extremely annoyed about this since none of the other parents even knew how hectic her life was. “The annoying part is that these women don’t work,” she explained. “They drop their kids off to school and then god knows what, they have no idea the 12 hour shift I’ve just done and how hard me and my husband work to be able to afford the luxuries we have.”

Searching For A Solution

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Despite her annoyance, the mother wanted to do something proactive to make sure her son wouldn’t get picked on since it seemed like people really thought she was stinky — she just didn’t know how to fix the situation. The mother explained, “I can’t get changed after work because there just isn’t time.”

Plenty of other mothers on Mumsnet chimed in to offer some much-needed advice to this frustrated mom. One user asked the mother, “Of course you shouldn’t get fully changed but what kind of work is it? Are you sweating at work or do your clothes get contaminated with anything?” The mother replied, “It’s a meat factory, I clean the machines so it does get messy.”

Another user left the mom some sound advice, and said, “Take 5 minutes in your morning routine to have a quick wash… Bit of deodorant to follow and buy a few school-run t-shirts and throw one on.” However, the mom explained that it was not that simple. “I finish work at 8 and it takes half an hour to drive home,” she said. “My son jumps in the car and I have to quickly get to the school.”

A third person added, “Could you use wet wipes and a bit of spray and maybe a clean hoodie or coat to go over whatever you’re wearing?” Once again, the mother explained why this wouldn’t work since the meat factory machines cause her to get so dirty. She ultimately explained that she just didn’t want her son to get picked on because of her scent but didn’t seem to know how to change her routine to prevent it from happening.

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Do you think the other parent was rude for commenting on the mom’s scent? Or do you think there’s anything the mother could do to change her routine? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your family members and friends, too.

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