Mom Dog Weeps Tears Of Joy After Reuniting With Her Beloved Puppies

Jul 14, 2020

Science has aided humanity in understanding mysteries that surround and permeate all things in existence. We live in an amazing universe of secrets that are slowly being peeled away to reveal the underlying truths.

However, after centuries of scientific advancement and discoveries about the psychology of animals and humans, science has yet to truly explain all of the nuances that involve the emotions of animals. This is seen when this mother dog is reunited with her puppies, and she is so overwhelmed she can't hold back her tears.

It is impossible to argue that animals are not emotionally-aware creatures, at least on some level. One thing that gives evidence to this theory is the fact that animals will cry in response to a seemingly human emotional reaction or stimulus. There are several ideas out there as to why animals would cry.

Some scientists say that animals such as dogs will cry as a means of expressing an unknown biochemical response, reports The Dog People. Others believe it is a form of nonverbal communication that doesn't necessarily translate into sadness. The unfortunate truth is that humanity just doesn't know why humans and animals cry. Although stereotypically associated with sadness or pain, it's not uncommon to also see people crying tears of joy. This can easily be witnessed during events such as childbirth or weddings. Sometimes people will even cry when they listen to a song that they feel speaks to them on an emotional level.

Dogs are one of the best examples from the animal kingdom that also display a similar happiness-crying response to the stimulation and events around them. The emotional complexity and the range at which dogs can express themselves is far greater than most people may initially acknowledge or even realize. For example, there was a video that featured a mother dog crying what could be perceived as tears of joy after being reunited with her puppies.

According to Trend Central, the video was first shared on Facebook before spreading to all the other corners of the internet. On YouTube alone, the video has millions and millions of views. Countless commenters speak about how the dog's emotions and responses resonated with them and made them feel all the more connected. Since 2014, the video has been touching hearts and generating smiles all over the world.

The video begins with a scene of the mama dog resting on top of a blue dog bed. We don't know just how long she's gone without seeing her pups, but dogs are notoriously bad at judging the passage of time. Therefore, she could be suffering from some type of separation anxiety without her little babies around to caretake.

There are about five little pups in the scene; each one has their eyes closed as they stumble about adorably. Some have white paws that look like stockings on every foot, some also have little white accents on their tails as though they've been dipped ever so gently into cans of ivory paint. The mother dog looks up into the camera, and we can see tears coming down each of her eyes. On the left side of her face, there is a single tear that drops onto the dog bed and is quickly absorbed by the material. There's an audible "aww" from the person we can assume is the dog's owner.

She reaches out to gently stroke the mama dog's head to let her know that she's here too. After a few more tears are shed, the mother dog gently lays her head on top of her puppies. Some of the little rascals made their way underneath her chin and jowls; she nuzzles them all the closer to her warm body.

Even for people who aren't dog lovers, it's impossible to resist the raw emotion that transcends what humans think of as a Homosapien-exclusive behavior and appreciate the joy that being reunited with the ones we love brings us. 

Do you and your friends think the mother dog was crying because she missed her children? Or do you think that she was crying because she had some sort of undiagnosed ailment or pain? We want to hear your thoughts and comments!