Mom And Daughter Jointly Graduate From The Same New Jersey College

May 31, 2019

A mother and daughter team were able to graduate and earn their bachelor degree at the very same time after many years of educational pursuit. This 25-year-old daughter and 46-year-old mother began their story back in 1996 when Sandra Murillo moved to the United States from Columbia, CBS reported.

Sandra knew she wanted to move here to start a new life. She wanted to provide more for her daughter than she could in Columbia. At the time, however, she wasn’t able to bring her daughter back due to the custody battle with her now ex-husband. Katherinn, her daughter, stayed behind. So for the next ten years, Sandra worked to get her daughter to the States.

She knew that studying was the key to getting by in life. With this thought in mind, Sandra completed her first training program. This allowed her to take on a job as a medical assistant while she battled to get her daughter to America, NBC reported. Her hard work paid off! In 2006, she was able to be reunited with her daughter, Katherinn Lopez-Murillo. Katherinn went into cosmetology after she graduated high school. She didn’t think she wanted to continue with college at that point in time. However, watching her mother work hard in school inspired her to do the same. Because of her, she now has her own Bachelor of Arts degree in criminal justice, while Sandra has a Bachelor in Public Health. 

Sandra thanked God for giving her the strength that she needed to get through her studies and her hard times. She says that graduating with her daughter meant the world to her. 

“Whatever you have in mind, hold your dreams tight and work for it,” Murillo told NBC. “That’s what I told my daughter. Don’t ever stop dreaming!”

You are never too old to learn or to follow your dreams.

That was the case for Janet Fein, a Texas woman, who earned her bachelor degree in sociology when she was already 84-years-old. She told the news that she had always wanted to earn this degree because she wanted to work on something else after she retired from her job as a secretary.  

What do you think of this amazing story? Have you gone back to college at an older age than most? Leave us a comment below and make sure you pass this on to others!