Mom Accidentally Forgets Breast Milk On Plane And Is Floored When She Learns Male Attendant's Intentions With It

Jun 25, 2018

The Braverman family took a wonderful trip to Disney World, but the vacation came with occurrences that the mother did not expect to happen. Brent, the youngest of the family, did not head off to Disney as he was only four months old. Instead, he stayed home with the grandmother. You can only enjoy Disney so much at this young age.

This required the mother to pump breast milk instead of nurse her child on her own time.

Mother Rachel had pumped 100 whole ounces of breastmilk during the trip so she would have plenty of food for her baby when they returned home. She kept the milk on ice in a black travel lunch bag as the family was getting ready to depart. She kept the bag on the seat in front of her, making sure to be very careful with the precious milk.

Though the milk safely endured the plane ride, she forgot to grab it on the way out.

Frustrated by the unfortunate circumstance, Rachel began to cry. Her husband gave his best efforts to help her emotionally, but they were both aware that this was a major loss. Out of nowhere, however, an unexpected savior presented himself to the couple.

A saving grace

Jeff Nowotny, a flight attendant on the airplane where the milk was left, reached out to the couple unexpectedly. Nowotny had found the milk and kept it safe and cold so that it wouldn't spoil. He had rescued what Rachel’s baby needed for the trip and saved the day!

The steward took into account that Rachel was a hardworking mother and wanted to make delivering the milk to her as quick and painless for her as possible. He went to the couple’s home and gave the chilled milk to the family himself.

Rachel and her husband were incredibly appreciative of the gesture and could not thank the man enough. Rachel reached out to customer service to spread the word about this wonderful man and also left him a sign of her appreciation.

This act of sheer human generosity sets a wonderful example for everyone and should be spread all around. It is not every day that you see such pure selflessness exhibited by a person for the sake of others. We encourage you to pass this story on to your family and friends and let us know your thoughts!