Miracle Dog Rescues His 10-Year-Old Owner Day After Day

May 22, 2019

A boy by the name of Luke Nuttall was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was just two years old. Because of his delicate health condition, he has to be constantly monitored for his blood sugar levels. This means hospital visits, injections, and the steps the whole family has to take to keep the boy and themselves as calm as possible through it all.

It's a good thing that the family has the support in the face of their dog, Jedi. Jedi, however, is not just the family pet. He is a special dog that does not ever leave Luke's side.

He has completely changed the life of the little boy. Besides being his best friend, the dog is like an angel constantly saving the boy's life. Inside Edition visited the family home to see exactly how.


Jedi is aware of the changes in Luke's blood sugar levels. He is specially trained to sense these changes and inform Luke's parents about it. This saves the boy's life on a daily basis.

Researchers at Cambridge University produced a study that makes them believe that dogs may be able to do this because of their keen sense of smell. They can smell the changes in a chemical on patients' breath called isoprene that becomes more pronounced during episodes called "hypos" which is when blood sugar levels drop too low.

Jedi shows distinct signs of Luke's blood sugar change. There was one night when the dog made all the difference.

It sensed that something was happening with Luke while he was sleeping. Luke's mother, Dorrie, was in the other room.

Thankfully, Jedi had caught the changes began jumping on the bed, says Inside Edition. It was the seconds in which the dog acted that made all the difference that night.

It turns out that Luke's blood sugar was getting far too low. They are really lucky to have this helpful canine by their side.

Do you believe in the tale that dog is man's best friend? What do you think of the loyalty and love of these amazing creatures? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to all the dog lovers you know!