Men Rescue Frozen Dog From Icy Water Only To Realize Their Huge Mistake Upon Arriving At Vet

Mar 09, 2019

Getting trapped in frozen water is truly a nightmare experience. Many times this type of scenario ends in tragedy, whether the victim is a human, pet, or wild creature. For one fortunate animal, the story had a happy ending.

According to a social media post, workers on the Sindi Dam at the Parnu River in Estonia noticed an alarming sight. It appeared to be a dog frantically trying to escape the frigid water. The compassionate and brave men knew what they had to do.

They immediately set out to rescue the poor animal. Unbeknownst to the rescuers, the creature in the frozen river wasn't a dog at all, but a young male wolf!

Even though the animal was frightened and could react aggressively, Robin Sillamäe, Rando Kartsepp, and Erki Väli still wanted to save his life. They diligently cleared a path through the ice. As they approached the young wolf they noticed his body was starting to stiffen. They acted quickly, wrapping him snugly inside a towel. They transported him by car to a nearby animal clinic for examination and treatment.

All this time, the men were still under the impression that they had saved a dog. They were more concerned about ending his suffering than they were about identifying his species.

When they arrived at the vet, they were surprised to learn that the animal was, in fact, a wolf. Since wild wolves can show aggression in times of fear and uncertainty, the vet placed the wolf in a cage after his rescue. After being fitted with a GPS collar and given the okay from the vet, he was later sent back out into the wild to enjoy a life of freedom once again.

This courageous group of men showed that they were willing to risk their lives in order to save an animal in danger. Their story is a true inspiration for animal lovers everywhere! It just goes to show that when people are determined to lend a helping hand they can do amazing things!

What do you think about the heroic way these men rescued an animal in distress? Do you find their actions as admirable as we do? Have you ever heard of a similar experience involving an animal rescue before? We'd love to read your thoughts in the comments below! Pass this story along to all of your friends and family members who believe in caring for and respecting animals!