Man's Reaction Has Gone Viral When He Finds Out He's Going To Be Dad For First Time

Feb 14, 2018

This young man finds out he is going to be a father, and his reaction is to die for! The moment you find out that you or your partner is pregnant can be either the most special, exciting moment EVER or an absolute shock to the system!

At first, Leo thought it was some joke, and didn't realize the truth of it. 

Apparently, they have been trying for almost a year, and so you can imagine why there is so much disbelief on his face when he hears the good news for the first time. 

Scroll down to watch the video.

In shock, he says: “Have they got p*ss on them? They’re not for me, are they? Thank you very much." 

His wife tells him to look again at the pregnancy test, and to his amazement both tests show positive, indicating that she is pregnant! The joy on his face and his reactions after depict the apprehension of parenthood down to a T. 

Congratulations to them both! ❤️

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