Man’s Genius Invention Is Saving Thousands Of Small Animals From Drowning In Pools

Jun 19, 2019

Biologist Rich Mason’s work includes finding ways to protect and conserve wildlife in the waters of Chesapeake Bay. He was especially concerned about the significant number of frogs that died in the pools of his friends every year.

To protect frogs and other wildlife from becoming trapped and dying in backyard pools, he decided to invent a device to protect these animals. What he came up with became the FrogLog. Using the FrogLog gives small animals, especially frogs, a safe way to get out of a swimming pool or other human-made body of water.

The FrogLog is a floatation device that works as a ramp to give these creatures a safe way to get out of the pool. The device attaches to the edge of pools and has already saved the lives of thousands of salamanders, frogs, ducklings, bees, lizards, small turtles, rodents, and birds.

The FrogLog offers a floating critter platform with a surrounding mesh skirt that enables small animals to exit pools. This device works exceptionally well because it has a little ramp that leads stranded animals to dry land. It has a weighted base that anchors outside of the pool to firmly hold it in place.

The benefits of the FrogLog include that it keeps pool and pond water clean, is an easy install, and saves people pool cleaning time. Purchasers praise the device for saving the lives of their backyard friends.

One reviewer reported that they found two or three dead frogs per week before installing the FrogLog. Now that they’ve installed the device, they’ve had no dead animals in their pool. It even works to help dogs and cats get out of the water, too.

Another way to keep animals from falling into your pool includes keeping your trees and bushes trimmed to keep them from falling off branches and ending up in the pool below them. Also, keep your trash can lids secured and don’t encourage wild animals to come in your yard by feeding them.

Do you have more tips about saving the lives of small animals on your property? Please comment with your suggestion.