Man Waiting For Stimulus Money Discovers $8.2 Million In His Bank Account

Oct 28, 2020

Sometimes life has an interesting sense of humor. We sometimes get surprises that are beyond our wildest imagination. Imagine being in a position whereby you are eagerly waiting for some payment to help you meet your needs. Then you go to the bank and find millions in your account!

That is exactly what happened to one man in Indiana earlier this year. He was awaiting his economic stimulus payment when he found $8.2 million in his account. The man got a big surprise when he went to an ATM to withdraw some money only for him to see a huge balance on his withdrawal receipt.

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Charles Calvin, a volunteer firefighter from Indiana had been waiting for his economic stimulus payment. He went to Family Express, a local shop, to withdraw $200 from the ATM. He had no idea of what awaited him in his account.

After withdrawing his money, he decided to check the available balance in the account. To his utter shock, he found that his account had a balance of $8.2 million! He could not believe what he was seeing!

He had been waiting for a stimulus payment of only $1,700, yet here he was staring at an unbelievable balance. Such an occurrence would shock anyone. It seemed that his stimulus had been multiplied many times over!

Most people would be over the moon when such luck falls on them. While the discovery was shocking, Calvin contacted his bank to ask about the situation. The bank was able to correct his balance to what it should have been.

The bank also confirmed that the $1,700 stimulus payment was reflecting in the account. The bank must have been happy that Calvin contacted them about the issue. It could have taken them some time before they discovered the error and he could have chosen to use the money and bear the consequences later.

After the correction, Calvin says his excitement vanished. He felt deflated after going from a millionaire to being broke in a second. In his own words, the feeling sucks. However, he was positive, saying that once someone is used to being poor, he/she can only go up. Being poor does not hurt him/her anymore.

For Illustration Purposes Only -

Such an error seems too huge for a bank to commit. While the cause of the error is still unclear, it is not the first incident involving inflated bank account balances. In December 2019, there was another incident involving a woman from Texas.

The woman found a $37 million balance in her account that she could not explain. Her bank later fixed the mistake and said it was a clerical error. The woman must have felt deflated to see her balance drop from millions to a few thousand. Such a feeling can be such an anticlimax.

While such errors are rare, they can cause excitement in the person making such a discovery. People have different thought processes and some may opt to use such money to solve their pressing problems first and deal with the consequences later. Others such as Calvin take the commendable approach of contacting the back to find out what is happening.

This is a great story of how to handle excitement and sudden disappointment. Share it with your friends and family to find out what they think or would have done in this situation. And let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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