Man Took A Big Risk With Amazingly Unique Way To Propose To His Girlfriend. What They Discover When Metal Detecting Will Make You Gasp

Mar 21, 2018

Proposing to someone is a huge deal. It is often the biggest day of a person's life up to that point. So it's incredibly important to get it right! This guy sure knew how to bowl over his girlfriend with one of the most special proposals I think I've ever seen. Read on to find out how he did it.

The video starts just after the pair discovered a mysterious box while out on a metal detecting hunt. His girlfriend is none-the-wiser and is clearly thrilled by their seemingly historical discovery. You can even hear her trying to guess what it might contain. It doesn't take long for them to notice some inscriptions on the box...

It isn't until her boyfriend reads the Bible entry noted on the front of the box that she begins to guess what might be coming. The entry reads:

He who finds a wife finds what is good
    and receives favor from the Lord.

From that point on, it is clear what is about to happen! Sure enough, the camera drops as she is reduced to tears upon seeing the ring. Watch the video in full below to see the sweet moment between them:

What a magical moment! Why not show your husband or wife this video to remind them of the day you went from courting to engaged!