Man Sleeps With His 600 Rescue Dogs To Keep Them Warm In Freezing Winter Night

Jun 21, 2020

One man from Serbia is taking the definition of a dog lover to a whole new level. Dejan lives in an area that has a serious stray dog problem. Not only do these dogs not have anyone to give them food and love, but they also often don't have adequate shelter to survive the frigid winter nights that Serbia is known for. 

This is where Dejan comes in. Truly an angel in disguise, instead of ignoring the stray dogs as many others do, Dejan brings home as many as he can. This means he has ended up taking care of 600 dogs at once.

Dejan brings home a puppy almost every day. Whenever he sees a dog without a proper home, he gives it one, even if it means adding to the literally hundreds of dogs he's already caring for.

What makes this story especially heartwarming is that Dejan doesn't have a lot of resources to care for himself or his rescued dogs, yet he's determined to give them the best possible life anyways. They often sleep together to share body heat in order to survive temperatures that can drop to -20 degrees every night for months. The frigid weather of a Serbian winter often starts in November and the nights can continue to drop to freezing or sub-freezing temperatures until May.

Dejan and his dogs live in a wooden house that is not well insulated, so it's very difficult to keep warm in the winter. He does have a working stove and can light a fire, but even that is often not enough on its own to keep him and his dogs warm at night. “When it is bad weather, they’re full of mud and there are no doors on the wooden house. The dog sleeps on wet floors,” Dejan told Good Times.

In order to ensure he and his dogs survive the cold nights, harsh weather, and difficult conditions, Dejan is happy to sleep on the floor with his dogs so they can all share their body heat and increase their chances of survival. He has been doing this for over two decades now.

“It’s nice to see them snoring and sleeping because I know we survived one more day,” said Dejan. This kindhearted man is willing to take in any dog that needs his help. He recently brought home a puppy who had a broken hip and leg. He also took in a puppy who was brought to him in a sack when his owner decided he didn't want him anymore. No matter how hurt or unwanted a dog is, it can always find a home with Dejan.

In exchange, Dejan Good Times. that having the dogs around gives him hope in the midst of his difficulties. They keep him company and watching his dogs play together always brings him happiness no matter how hard things get.

Dejan understands that each dog deserves its own loving home and better living conditions, but for now, he is doing what he can to care for dogs who would otherwise have nothing without him. 

Check out Dejan's Instagram where he is raising awareness about the stray and abandoned dog problem in his area, and be sure to show this story to anyone who could use some encouragement from a heartwarming tale of love and sacrifice.

Have you ever seen anyone more willing to help animals in need? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to others!