Man Should Get An Oscar For Pretending To Be A Fractious Cat During A Veterinary Training Video

Oct 07, 2019

These days, there seem to be training videos for just about every occupation – including veterinary technicians. Last September, somebody posted a video devoted to the art of handling a fractious or unruly cat – and they recruited a human to play the role of the uncooperative feline. To be fair, though, no patient of any species wants to undergo an enema.

The man playing the cat turned in an Oscar-worthy performance. He must have cats or at least watch a lot of cat videos, for he made the sorts of noises that cats do when they’re angry, scared, or upset. He swiped at the technician several times when she approached his cage. He did a very impressive job of jumping onto tables and countertops, which suggests he may have a background in gymnastics. He also made a royal mess by knocking stuff off of the countertops.

The technician, for her part, remained in character and didn’t break down laughing at the sight of a man pretending to be the world’s worst-behaved Maine Coon or Savannah. Nor did she giggle at seeing him wearing a Cone of Shame at the end of the video. Instead, she kept a straight face while she gave her talk and demonstrated the proper ways for subduing a fractious cat without getting clawed or bitten in the process.

The first technique she demonstrated was using a plastic barrier to push the cat against the wall of the cage so it couldn’t charge out. When this simply further angered the cat, the technician used a catch pole and then wrestled him onto an examination table. She tried to wrap him in a blanket, but he fought his way free and tore through the examination room making the biggest mess possible. Eventually, however, the technician was able to subdue her feline patient.

Have you seen this video? Would you help make a training video by pretending to be an animal? Please post your comments in the box below.