Man Saves Someone's Life Using CPR He Learned From The Office

Feb 05, 2019

Do you ever feel guilty about spending your leisure time watching popular TV shows? Now a recent news item from Arizona demonstrates some people actually do learn valuable information from this activity. In fact, in some cases, the knowledge proves to be life-saving!

Does News Ever Mirror Fiction?

The Arizona Daily Star recently reported about an incident which should inspire television audiences around the world. When they noticed a woman named Claire apparently incapacitated and not breathing in her vehicle, two women and a 21-year old auto mechanic, Cross Scott, quickly sprung into action to assist her. While the ladies dialed 911, Mr. Scott began providing CPR.

Although he lacked formal training in cardio pulmonary resuscitation, he reported remembering a helpful episode from a TV sitcom. In The Office, a muffler shop owner played by Steve Carell performed chest compression on a dummy to the vigorous sounds of the Bees Gees singing Stayin' Alive.

Mr. Cross recalled the fictional CPR training event and used it to guide his resuscitation of Claire.

Saving a Life

Cross Scott later confessed he had "no idea" of how to revive the seemingly lifeless woman. Yet his quick intervention ultimately proved very fortunate indeed!

Claire began breathing again in fewer than 60 seconds. Paramedics arrived on the scene and transported her to a local hospital.

Happily, Claire recovered completely at the medical facility. She later thanked Cross Scott for his quick thinking assistance. Paramedics also praised the young man for helping her.

Insights Into Prime Time

So in the future, instead of berating yourself for binge watching television series like The Office, The Resident, or The Good Doctor, just remember the useful items of information you learn as an audience member. This knowledge just might prove handy during a medical crisis!

What do you think? Pass this along to any fans of The Office that you know.