Man Saves Abandoned Kitten—1 Year Later, Baby Still Repays Him With Endless Cuddles And Love

Feb 06, 2019

A man heard tiny cries coming from his backyard, near a hole under a fence. Upon close examination, he found a tiny kitten whose eyes were not even open.

This kitten was likely to be the runt of the litter, and the mama cat may have abandoned it when she moved her babies to a new location.

The man rescued the tiny kitten, bringing her inside of his warm home.

Even though the man had not been looking for a pet, he had a kind heart and felt like he should do something to help this baby cat.

The Kitten Won His Heart

The kitten's eyes did not open for 10 days. In the meantime, the man came home every two to three hours in order to feed the kitten. He created a warm place for the kitten to sleep, and he held the kitten a lot in order to keep her warm.

When the kitten finally opened her eyes, she started to explore her new home. As she got bigger, she found sunny places to take a nap.

She continued to seek out the man's attention, taking naps on his shoulder or cuddling on his belly when he would lay down on the couch for a nap.

He Got a Loving Cat

The man could not give up the cat. It seems that the cat adopted him as her dad. The cat is one year old now, and is fully grown.

She is thriving in her home and enjoys as much snuggle time as she can get with her human dad. When the man returns from a workshop, the cat is always there for head scratches and meows to greet him.

The two have formed a strong bond, and the man is glad that he took the cat in and saved her life. He gave her the name Baby.

Do you have any pets that you have adopted, or maybe they adopted you? What do you think about the kindness of this man and the strong bond between the man and Baby? Let us know your thoughts!