Man Returns From Dermatologist With Notes On His Body After Wife Circle's Potential Cancer On His Back

Jan 12, 2022

A wife and her husband went viral on TikTok in the last couple of months of 2021 for a video showing the unique way the woman sent her husband to the dermatologist. Brinlee Miles had circled all of the moles on her husband’s body, showing the doctor exactly what needed to be looked at and what needed to be reported on. Since uploading the TikTok in November 2021, the couple has also uploaded a follow-up and are showing people just how important it is to take care of one’s health and be aware of what moles and other spots look like.

Melanoma is a deadly form of skin cancer that typically looks like a mole. This is why it’s important to get moles looked at if they are new or bothersome. It’s also a good idea to get checked out as a safety precaution. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, finding cancer early on can make a huge difference. There is a 99% chance of a 5-year survival rate for patients in the United States whose melanoma is detected early. The rate drops to 68% if the cancer reaches the lymph nodes, and it drops to 30% if it spreads to distant organs.

Wanting to ensure that the doctor didn’t miss anything when her husband went to the dermatologist, Miles used a pen to circle all of the suspicious-looking moles on her husband’s chest and back. It seems like the doctor saw this as an opportunity to communicate the man’s potential health condition, because when the husband returned home, he had even more markings on his body.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

On Nov. 30, 2021, Miles uploaded a TikTok showing how she sent her husband to the doctor’s office, with captions in the video. “This is how I sent my husband to the dermatologist,” she wrote, showing how she circled the moles that she wanted checked with a pen. The video cut to the next clip, with the caption reading, “And this is how she sent him back.”

The man held up a piece of paper he received from the doctor, showing off all of the new markings on the areas around his moles where the doctor left some notes. Next to most of the moles, the word “good” was written. However, the dermatologist indicated that two were taken for testing.

Many people left positive comments, commending Miles for her smart thinking with how she sent her husband to the dermatologist and asked if there was any news on the situation. On Dec. 12, 2021, the couple uploaded another TikTok with an update on the man’s health condition. 

The husband explained that the mole on his back that was tested was found to be non-cancerous, but it should still be checked every six months. However, the one on his chest did have cancerous cells. Fortunately, it wasn’t anything too urgent, and the husband explained that he planned on getting the mole removed at some point in the near future. 

“We just wanted to say thank you for all the sweet messages sent to us and for everybody who was wishing us good test results,” Miles said. “We really do appreciate it.”

What do you think about the way this woman sent her husband to the dermatologist? Is this a technique you think would be beneficial for people to use? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your loved ones, too.

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