Man Receives Message 6 Years After Dog Was Stolen From Backyard That Gives Him Goosebumps

Dec 18, 2018

Dogs are every bit members of our families. Whether it be throwing the ball around the yard, taking a walk around the neighborhood, or just relaxing in front of the television, dogs are our most loving and loyal companions.

When thieves break up families by stealing a dog, the hurt can be everlasting. A family can be distraught for years never knowing what happened to their furry friend, or if the person currently taking care of the animal knows that perfect spot to scratch behind their ears or how to make their tail wag all the faster.

That horror was experienced first hand by Casey Church. Six years ago, Casey’s beloved pet dog was stolen from his backyard. When police couldn’t find the culprit, Casey gave up hope of ever seeing his best friend again.

Hoping that whoever had him now would treat him right, Casey went on with his life. Then, a few weeks ago, a miracle seemed to drop straight from heaven. Casey received a message from PetLink saying that they had found his precious fur baby.

How Casey’s dog was found is another interesting story. Casey fitted his dog with a microchip when he was just a puppy. When the animal was brought to Oklahoma’s Newcastle Animal Shelter, shelter workers were able to contact Casey. Before being able to find Casey’s true home, the attentive shelter workers had to do a bit of detective work.

Once the shelter had a line on the microchip number, they faced another obstacle: the chip was no longer in the registry.

Nevertheless, shelter workers found a way around this unexpected issue. Since microchip manufacturers keep a record of where chips are sent, they were able to determine what animal hospital implanted the chip in Casey’s dog. The shelter was then able to get Casey’s contact information from the animal hospital.

Casey is beyond ecstatic to be reunited with his best pal. Speaking to reporters, Casey says that despite the few new grey hairs, his dog is just as playful and fun as he was before thieves cruelly separated him from his true family.

Visibly emotional, Casey says, “I’ve got my son back.”

What do you think of Casey’s story? How would you react if this happened to you and your dog? Let us know in the comments and pass this article along to brighten an animal lover's day!