Man Notices Teeny Unknown Baby Critter In His Driveway & Puts His All Into Keeping It Alive

Feb 09, 2023

Sometimes, the most beautiful things come in small sizes. Such was the case for one man, Ron, who was surprised to find the tiniest newborn animal squirming about on his driveway. The little baby was so young that its features were not even clearly visible, leaving Ron befuddled as to what animal it was. Despite this, he simply couldn’t leave the baby outside, so he brought it in and covered it to make sure it was warm. He then did what any one of us would do next – he checked online.

“(I) got on the internet, did some research and I thought ‘I think I have a squirrel here.’ And I saw that sometimes, baby squirrels fall out of their nests and sometimes, mother will come back and get them,” Ron said in a video uploaded to the We Love Animals YouTube channel on Dec. 26, 2022.

Ron then decided he would try to reunite the sweet little baby with its family. He laid the baby in a box and returned it to the driveway. He then watched from afar to see whether its mom would return. Lo and behold, she did! However, to Ron’s disappointment, the mother merely took one sniff at the baby and left. 

The now de facto squirrel dad then set to work keeping the baby alive. He began feeding it puppy milk formula through a syringe every three hours. “That was the most difficult part, like having a newborn baby,” Ron said. A few weeks later, Ron realized the squirrel was quickly gaining strength.

“As time went on, I began to realize that he was going to survive. Then him and I became friends,” Ron added. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

At 13 weeks, Ron knew it was time for his little friend to be released back into the great outdoors. Ron bought a wooden squirrel home that he attached to a tree for his buddy to call home. Upon its release, the squirrel immediately jumped onto the tree and excitedly discovered its new home. However, that wasn’t the end of their beautiful friendship.

“Even after I released him, I could go out in my backyard and shout his name and he’d poke his head out of the squirrel box. Sometimes he would run down and hop on me,” Ron said. He added the little squirrel would also come into his house. 

The pair have struck up such an adorable friendship that sometimes, they just spend quality time together.

“We’re friends, and sometimes he’ll sit on my knee while I watch television. .. He’s very intelligent, he’s very affectionate,” Ron added.

Ron has since started a TikTok page to document all the exploits of his furry friend, which he named Robert “Bobby” Squirrel. Clips of Bobby playing, eating and simply running around are just too cute to miss, which is probably why the page has amassed an astounding 4.5 million likes and almost 350,000 followers. One adorable video showed Ron feeding Bobby milk with a syringe while singing him a lullaby, while another showed Ron cradling the shaking Bobby, who had come into the house during a thunderstorm.

It looks like Bobby has really brought a sweet change to Ron’s life for the better. He said:

“Well, I never did have a real affinity to squirrels until Bobby showed up and then once I learned how affectionate he was and we developed our relationship then, I began to observe all the other squirrels and realize that they’re nice little animals.”

How endearing is Ron and Bobby’s friendship? Have you ever struck up a relationship with an unusual animal as well? Let us know and be sure to pass this along to all the animal lovers you know.

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