Man Loses Surfboard In Hawaii, It Eventually Winds Up In The Philippines

Sep 23, 2020

Everyone knows the feeling of losing something and finding it in an unexpected place later. However, losing something in one country and discovering it turned up in another country is a story for the books. Doug from Hawaii lost his surfboard in February 2018, and the board floated all the way to the Philippines and ended up being owned by Giovanne. This strange event led to a friendship that was unforeseen but very welcome. 

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A surfer named Doug went about enjoying the waves one day in Waimea Bay, reports CNN. The board got away from him, which happens from time to time as Hawaii usually gets to see some gigantic waves. A huge wave led to a wipeout, and Doug lost control of the board.

Unable to retrieve the board, Doug accepted the fact it washed away. At first, he checked local areas where boards tend to show up when lost. Doug had no luck, and the board didn't turn up on the shore either. Instead, it had started a 5,200-mile journey to the Philippine Islands.

A local fisherman retrieved the floating surfboard and sold it to a young man named Giovanne. Giovanne purchased the surfboard for a mere $40 with the intention of taking up a new hobby.

How did Doug learn about the location of his surfboard? Not surprisingly, social media played a role in tracking it down. Doug didn't track down the surfboard, though. Giovanne tracked down Doug, or rather, he tracked down the surfboard's designer via social media. The designer then notified Doug, and once Doug looked at a picture of the surfboard, he knew it was his.

The board looks the same as it did two years ago, except for a color change. Extensive exposure to the water and elements changed the board from blue to yellow. The board is still in board shape, and maybe it is the perfect board for Giovanne for learning.

When Giovanne learned that Doug lost his board, Giovanne wanted to return it. Doug would hear nothing of it. He told CNN that he was happy that the surfboard is in good hands, and even more thrilled, the board will introduce a new hobbyist to the sport. Doug noted he would go to the Philippines to help Giovanne with his lessons, but the coronavirus pandemic prohibits the trip. Maybe one day in the future, the two new friends will meet up and hit the waves.

Do you have a friend who loves surfing or even just a whimsically upbeat story? Let them know about the wayward surfboard's adventures and the new friendship it has created, and be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments. 

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