Man Lifts Head With Hands Folded In An Empty Church And His Viral Voice Is Giving Everyone Goosebumps

Dec 12, 2018

You hear a beautiful full choir, but do you? This feat was pulled off by one person, Peter Hollens. It was worth every bit of his efforts to create this video. You won't believe your ears when you hear him singing "What Child Is This".

There he sits in the middle of a church on a pew, all alone. But don't worry, his voice gives him the best of company!

You'll be shocked to hear how his voice is harmonizing as he adds in another and another. It's simply breathtaking to hear this Christmas song perfected in this way. This is one way to see just how talented that Hollens is! He is able to highlight all of his talents individually and as a group in one piece. That's pretty extraordinary for one person!

Not only is he an amazing singer but he also produced this video himself. He took the time to learn all of the ins and the outs of producing his videos and even went as far as to learn about marketing too. He features his videos on Youtube and that's where he says that he has found most of his success.

You'll be shocked to hear how his voice is harmonizing as he adds in another and another. It's simply breathtaking to hear this Christmas song perfected in this way. This is one way to see just how talented that Hollens is! He is able to highlight all of his talents individually and as a group in one piece. That's pretty extraordinary for one person!

He looked at others that were doing similar things but not in a competition manner. He was looking to improve himself. He noticed that when people stopped trying to make money and looking at things in a way to help others, is when they became even more successful.

He says that he's always given more than he gets and that's how he'll always be. It's not about the money for Hollens. It's about building a transparent relationship. He wants that type of relationship that'll last for decades.

You can see how his selfless attitude rings true in this video. In a church, on a pew, there he sits. It's simple but some of the simplest things in life are the purest.

The song closes just as wonderful as it began, with the bow of a head.

What do you think of this incredible performance? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to your friends and family to see what they think of the video!