Man Laughs At The Incredible Lengths His Cat Will Go To Steal Treats

Mar 08, 2019

Every cat owner knows that these pets can be very mischevious. Unlike dogs, cats have a keen sense of independence. This attribute often leads to dubious behavior. Cats are also incredibly agile and strong. These combined characteristics make for an interesting pet.

One particular cat has determined that his owner wasn't offering enough treats. After discovering the origin of the treats, the cat decides to take action. He climbs the kitchen counter and stretches to the cabinet above. The hilarious video was captured in Luton, England. The cat's dedication to finding the treats ended up being quite funny.

Growler has fallen in love with Dreamies cat treats. He simply cannot eat enough of these addictive snacks. In the video, Growler can be seen climbing the country and clawing at the cabinet. After many attempts at scratching the door open, Growler is able to wrap one of his paws around the handle.

Without any warning, the door swings open and Growler is hanging on for dear life.

Growler tries his hardest to hang on to the door. He manages to get a stronger grip and begins swinging his momentum towards the countertop. The ninja cat eventually reaches safety once again.

He pauses a moment to collect his sense and turns right back towards the cabinet. Fortunately, the door has remained open enough for Growler to squeeze inside.

Despite the tremendous effort, the hungry cat is left with nothing. The Dreamies cat snacks are nowhere to be found. Growler sniffs around with a determined face, but there are only cups and glasses in the cabinet.

Despite this defeat, Growler will most likely be back for a second attempt. After all, this black cat has proven to be a Dreamies junky. He risked his life for a chance at these elusive snacks.

Growler's owner can be heard laughing throughout the attempt. Everyone wonders what their pets do when nobody is home. It seems that Growler's owner has proof of his answer.

Perhaps Growler should be cut off from his favorite snack. If this dangerous activity continues, he could end up in an accident, but for now, dangling from a cabinet clearly had no effect on this cat's dedication.

It's hard to think of another incident where an animal tried so hard just for one snack. What do you think? Let us know in the comments and pass this article along to your friends and family to see what they think!